Insiders Club Exclusive Content
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We've Moved Platforms!! Here's the new login....
February 18th, 2021 | Cruz in Cancun?
February 15th, 2021 with Andy Ngo | Your Questions Answered about ANTIFA
February 8th, 2021 | Impeachment Again?
January 28, 2021 | Texit with Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller
February 4th, 2021 | David Horowitz!
January 21, 2021 | Biden's Day-One Blunders
January 14th, 2021 | What's Next?
January 7th, 2021 | The Aftermath: How To Move Forward
December 30th, 2020| Mike Pence and Ham Sandwiches
December 17th, 2020 | Dr. Turley on Guitar?
December 10th Live Insiders Q & A
November 25th, 2020 | Thanksgiving Preparations
December 3rd, 2020 | The Election CONTINUES in favor of Trump
November 19, 2020 | Encouragement
November 12, 2020 | Election Aftermath
Welcome to the Turley Talks Insiders Club
#1 - April 1, 2020 - What is Globalization?
#2 - April 9, 2020 - Globalization is on a Ventilator
#3 - April 16, 2020 - The Emerging Post Secular Synthesis of Science and Religion (Part 1)
#4 - April 22, 2020 - The Emerging Post Secular Synthesis of Science and Religion (Part 2)
#5 - May 1, 2020 - Answering Our Critics (Part 1)
#6 - May 7, 2020 - How the Leftist Media Arose and Is Now Being Destroyed
#7 - May 14, 2020 - Elon Musk and the Rise of Populism
#8 - May 24, 2020 - The Populist Revolt Against Political Correctness
#9 - May 31, 2020 - The Origins and Rise of Cultural Marxism
#10 - June 7, 2020 - Riots Red Pilling Americans Like Nothing Else
#11 - June 14, 2020 - Why the Left is Dead, They Just Don't Know
#12 - June 22, 2020 - A Response to Shaun King and White Supremacy
#13 - June 28, 2020 - The Coming Conservative Christian Majority (Part 1)
#14 - July 5, 2020 - The Coming Conservative Christian Majority (Part 2)
#15 - July 13, 2020 - BLM is a Trojan Horse that will Destroy the Left
#16 - August 2, 2020 - The Truth about Racial Discrimination (Part 1)
#17 - August 9, 2020 - The Rise of Neo-Tribalism
#18 - August 16, 2020 - The Fall of Globalism and the Rise of Neo Tribalism in the World of Professional Sports
#19 - August 23, 2020 - Generation Z is the Most Conservative Generation Ever!
#20 - August 30, 2020 - Debunking the Myth of Systemic Racism
#21 - September 6, 2020 - Cosmic Piety and the Revitalization of Culture (Part 1)
#22 - September 13, 2020 - Cosmic Piety and the Revitalization of Culture (Part 2)
#23 - September 22, 2020 - Why Conservatives Believe in God!
#24 - September 30, 2020 - Common Questions on a New Conservative Age
#25 - October 12, 2020 - A Primer on Critical Race Theory
#26 - October 21, 2020 - How the Election is Shaping Up
#27 - November 1, 2020 - Four Trends Turning the World to the Nationalist Populists
#28 - November 17, 2020 - Where We Are 2 WEEKS into the Election
#29 - November 25, 2020 - What is Culture and Why is it so Important?
#30 - December 1, 2020 - Why the 2020 Election is NOT Adding Up!
#31 - December 9, 2020 - 7 Paths to a Trump Victory!
#32 - December 15, 2020 - Classical Education and the Future of American Society
#33 - December 21, 2020 - The Amazing Themes in Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'
#34 - January 12, 2021 - We Are Entering a Post-GOOGLE Age
#35 - January 20, 2021 - Where We Go From Here (Part 1)
#36 - January 30, 2021 - Where We Go From Here (Part 2)
Dr. Turley's Source Blueprint
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April 2020 Reading List
May 2020 Reading List
June 2020 Reading List
July 2020 Reading List
August 2020 Reading List
September 2020 Reading List
October 2020 Reading List
November 2020 Reading List
December 2020 Reading List
January 2021 Reading List
February 2021 Reading List
Module 1 - Introduction: Why The Abolition of Man?
Module 1 Q&A
Module 2 - The Literary Context of The Abolition of Man
Module 2 Q&A
Module 3 - Chapter One: Men Without Chests
Module 3 Q&A
Module 4 - Chapter 2: The Way
Module 4 Q&A
Module 5 - Chapter 3: The Abolition of Man
Module 5 Q&A
Module 6 - Abolition of Man For Today
Module 6 Q&A - Part 1
Module 6 Q&A - Part 2
(FREE E-BOOK) Classical vs. Modern Education: A Vision from C.S. Lewis
Module 1 - The State of the West: The Church in a Secular Abyss
Module 2 - Christ and Caesar: The Treason of the Gospel
Module 3 - The City of God: Church and State through the Ages
Module 4 - An Economy of Grace: The Church and Society
Module 5 - The Secular Eclipse: The Rise of the Modern State
Module 6 - A Parallel Polis: Recovering a Distinctively Christian Social Order
Module 7 - Bonus Q&A
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